~~META:title=History Zassenhaus Conference~~


The Zassenhaus Conference began as the Ohio State-Denison Mathematics Conferences. It was first organized in the 1960's by Hans Zassenhaus, are held in even-numbered years in Ohio, with the group theorists meeting in the odd-numbered years at various locations around the country. The even-numbered year conferences held in Ohio originally included group theory, ring theory, and combinatorics, areas in which Hans Zassenhaus was active. Since 2015 the anchor location for the Zassenhaus Conference has been at Binghamton University, where it is being held on odd-numbered years. The name //Zassenhaus Groups and Friends Conference// is a reflection of the fact that we welcome topics like //Loops// and others from universal algebra, which are closely related to group theory. Due to the worldwide health crisis in 2020, the conference will be held online this year. **Recent Zassenhaus Conferences** (A more complete {{https://sites.google.com/a/oswego.edu/zassenhaus/archive|archive here}}) * **2019**: {{https://sites.google.com/a/oswego.edu/zassenhaus/archive/2019-schedule-and-program|Zassenhaus Groups and Friends Conference}}, Binghamton University (SUNY), Binghamton, New York * **2018**: {{http://math.usf.edu/ZGFC/|Zassenhaus Groups and Friends Conference}}, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida * **2017**: {{https://sites.google.com/a/oswego.edu/zassenhaus/archive/2017-schedule-and-program|Zassenhaus Groups and Friends Conference}}, Binghamton University (SUNY), Binghamton, New York * **2016**: {{http://events.adelphi.edu/au_event/2016-zassenhaus-group-theory-conference/|Zassenhaus Group Theory Conference}}, Adelphi University, Garden City, New York * **2015**: {{http://www2.math.binghamton.edu/p/zassenhaus15/start|Zassenhaus Group Theory Conference}}, Binghamton University (SUNY), Binghamton, New York * **2014**: {{https://people.math.osu.edu/events/denison32/|The XXXIInd Ohio State-Denison Mathematics Conference}}, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. * **2013**: __Zassenhaus Group Theory Conference__, Western Carolina University, Asheville, North Carolina. * **2012**: [[https://people.math.osu.edu/events/denison31/|The XXXIst Ohio State-Denison Mathematics Conference]], The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. * **2011**: __Zassenhaus Group Theory Conference__, Towson University, Towson, Maryland.