====== Samuel Hsiao (Cornell) ====== ====== Eulerian Enumeration and Other Illustrations of the Peak Phenomenon ====== ===== Abstract for the Combinatorics and Number Theory Seminar 2003 April 14 ===== The peak algebra, introduced by John Stembridge in connection with the combinatorial study of shifted tableux and Schur Q-functions, has recently emerged as a natural algebraic setting to study flag enumeration in Eulerian posets, in particular face-lattices of convex polytopes. I will discuss the peak algebra and Eulerian enumeration in the broader context of the following peak phenomenon: Given a statement regarding the algebra of quasisymmetric functions (these include the symmetric functions), there is an analagous statement that holds for the peak subalgebra (these include Schur's Q-functions). I will give some examples of this phenomenon, and explain what implications it might have for the study of flag f-vectors, the cd-index, and related invariants on posets.