~~META:title=Algebra Seminar~~ [[http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/Biographies/Galois.html|{{http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/at/mathematicians/galois1.jpg?110*135 |Evariste Galois}}]] [[ http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/Mathematicians/Noether_Emmy.html|{{ http://seminars.math.binghamton.edu/AlgebraSem/emmy_noether.jpg?110*135|Emmy Noether}}]] \\ \\ **#####The Algebra Seminar#####** **The seminar will meet in-person on Tuesdays in room WH-100E at 2:50 p.m. There should be refreshments served at 4:00 in room WH-102. Masks are optional.** **Anyone wishing to give a talk in the Algebra Seminar this semester is requested to contact the organizers at least one week ahead of time, to provide a title and abstract. If a speaker prefers to give a zoom talk, the organizers will need to be notified at least one week ahead of time, and a link will be posted on this page.** If needed, the following link would be used for a zoom meeting (Meeting ID: 93487611842) of the Algebra Seminar: [[https://binghamton.zoom.us/j/93487611842 | Algebra Seminar Zoom Meeting Link]] Organizers: [[:people:alex:start|Alex Feingold]], [[:people:daniel:start|Daniel Studenmund]] and [[:people:tongviet:start|Hung Tong-Viet]] To receive announcements of seminar talks by email, please email one of the organizers with your name, email address and reason for joining this list if you are external to Binghamton University. ---- =====Fall 2024===== * **August 20**\\ Organizational Meeting \\ \\ Please think about giving a talk in the Algebra Seminar, or inviting an outside speaker. * **August 27**\\ Alex Feingold (Binghamton University) \\ **//Tessellations from Affine and Hyperbolic Weyl groups//** \\ \\ **//Abstract//**: Weyl groups are Coxeter groups generated by reflections determined by a Cartan matrix associated with a Kac-Moody Lie algebra. We will discuss examples where the Weyl group acts on a Euclidean space (affine case) as well as examples where it acts on a hyperbolic space (hyperbolic case). In either case, the action is properly discontinuous so it has a fundamental domain whose reflections tessellate the space. In joint work with Robert Bieri and Daniel Studenmund, we are are investigating the geometry of such tessellations in order to define and obtain generators for groups of piecewise isometries of the tessellations which generalize the Thompson group PPSL(2,Z). * **September 3**\\ Dikran Karagueuzian (Binghamton University) \\ **//Elliptic Curves for Dummies//** \\ \\ **//Abstract//**: A theorem on the random variable of inverse image sizes for a polynomial over a finite field of order q computes the moments of the random variable of inverse images sizes up to an error term. This error term decreases with the inverse of the square root of q. Standard results in the theory of elliptic curves will be used to show that this error term cannot generally be improved. No familiarity with the extensive theory of elliptic curves will be assumed. * **September 10**\\ Fernando Guzman (Binghamton University) \\ **//The Isomorphism Theorems for g-digroups//** \\ \\ **//Abstract//**: Digroups, and generalized digroups, g-digroups for short, have been considered as a generalization of continuous groups whose tangent space is a Leibniz algebra. This structure has been seen as a generalization of groups, therefore, efforts have been done to study properties and results that come from group theory, to explore if they hold in this new setting. In this talk, we'll discuss the isomorphism theorems for g-digroups, and show that the results for groups do extend to g-digroups. This is joint work with Olga Patricia Salazar-Diaz. * **September 17**\\ Ryan McCulloch (Binghamton University) \\ **//Centralizers of a group//** \\ \\ **//Abstract//**: Given a group $G$, define an equivalence relation on the elements of $G$ by $x\sim y$ iff $C_G(x) = C_G(y)$, and let $X$ denote a fixed set of representative elements. The set $X$ can be used to define any centralizer in $G$, since for every centralizer $H$, there is a unique maximal subset $S$ of $X$ so that $H = C_G(S)$. We observe a Galois connection between the lattice of centralizer subgroups of $G$ and this poset of maximal subsets of $X$ corresponding to centralizers. We show other interesting properties related to this relationship. This is joint work with Wil Cocke and Mark Lewis. * **September 24**\\ (? University) \\ **// Title//** \\ \\ **//Abstract//**: Text of Abstract * **October 1**\\ No Algebra Seminar (Recess 1 PM). \\ * **October 8**\\ No Algebra Seminar (Friday Classes Meet). \\ * **October 15**\\ Han Lim Jang (Binghamton University) \\ **//Title//** \\ \\ **//Abstract//**: Text of Abstract * **October 22**\\ No Algebra Seminar \\ * **October 29**\\ Tan Nhat Tran (Binghamton University) \\ **//Worpitzky-compatible sets and the freeness of arrangements between Shi and Catalan//** \\ \\ **//Abstract//**: Given an irreducible root system, the Worpitzky-compatible subsets are defined by a geometric property of the alcoves inside the fundamental parallelepiped of the root system. This concept is motivated and mainly understood through a lattice point counting formula concerning the characteristic and Ehrhart quasi-polynomials. In this talk, we show that the Worpitzky-compatibility has a simple combinatorial characterization in terms of roots. As a byproduct, we obtain a complete characterization by means of Worpitzky-compatibility for the freeness of the arrangements interpolating between the extended Shi and Catalan arrangements. This completes the earlier result by Yoshinaga in 2010 which was done for simply-laced root systems. This is joint work (arXiv:2403.17274) with Takuro Abe (Tokyo). * **November 5**\\ Tae Young Lee (Binghamton University) \\ **//Title//** \\ \\ **//Abstract//**: Text of Abstract * **November 12**\\ Chris Schroeder (Binghamton University) \\ **//An introduction to permutation representations of finite groups//** \\ \\ **//Abstract//**: One often first encounters the representation theory of groups through their actions on vector spaces. It is also natural to consider group actions on sets with no additional structure, so-called permutation representations. Concretely, whereas a linear representation is a group homomorphism to a general linear group, a permutation representation is a group homomorphism to a symmetric group. In this talk, we will introduce the basic definitions and examples of permutation representations of finite groups, and discuss the analogies with linear representations. * **November 19**\\ ? ( University) \\ **//Title//** \\ \\ **//Abstract//**: Text of Abstract * **November 26**\\ No Algebra Seminar (Friday Classes Meet). \\ * **December 3**\\ ? ( University) \\ **//Title//** \\ \\ **//Abstract//**: Text of Abstract ---- ---- * [[http://seminars.math.binghamton.edu/AlgebraSem/index.html|Pre-2014 semesters]]\\ * [[seminars:alge:fall2014]] * [[seminars:alge:spring2015]] * [[seminars:alge:alge_fall2015]] * [[seminars:alge:alge-spring2016]] * [[seminars:alge:alge-fall2016]] * [[seminars:alge:alge-Spring2017|Spring 2017]] * [[seminars:alge:alge-Fall2017|Fall 2017]] * [[seminars:alge:alge-Spring2018|Spring 2018]] * [[seminars:alge:alge-Fall2018|Fall 2018]] * [[seminars:alge:alge-Spring2019|Spring 2019]] * [[seminars:alge:alge-fall2019|Fall 2019]] * [[seminars:alge:alge-Spring2020|Spring 2020]] * [[seminars:alge:alge-fall2020|Fall 2020]] * [[seminars:alge:alge-Spring2021|Spring 2021]] * [[seminars:alge:alge-fall2021|Fall 2021]] * [[seminars:alge:alge-Spring2022|Spring 2022]] * [[seminars:alge:alge-fall2022|Fall 2022]] * [[seminars:alge:alge-Spring2023|Spring 2023]] * [[seminars:alge:alge-fall2023|Fall 2023]] * [[seminars:alge:alge-Spring2024|Spring 2024]]