~~META:title=Daily topics~~ ===== Math 401 - 01 Daily Topics - part 2 (Fall 2018)===== ---- {{page>people:fer:401ws:defs&nofooter&noeditbtn}} [[people:fer:401ws:fall2018:home| Home]] ^Week 7^Topics^ |10/01/2018|Test 1 | |10/02/2018|Lagrange's corollary 1 | | |Orbit-Stabilizer theorem | | |Examples: cube, truncated icosahedron (soccer ball) | |10/03/2018|Corollaries 2-5 to Lagrange's theorem | | |Addendum to cor 3: moreover, there is a unique group of order $p$, up to isomorphism.| | |Thm. 7.2| | |Example 6, p.144| | |Corollary: if $p$ is the smallest prime divisor of $|G|$ and $p^2$ does not divide $|G|$, then $G$ has at most one subgroup of index $p$ (HW)| |10/05/2018|Thm. 7.3| ^Week 8^Topics^ |10/08/2018|Test 1 returned and reviewed| | |Prop: if $\varphi:G\to H$ is an isomorphism, then so is $\varphi^{-1}H\to G$.| | |Prop: "isomorphic to" is an equivalence relation| | |Thm. 6.1 Cayley's theorem| | |$\aut(G)$, $\inn(G)$| |10/09/2018|Thm 6.4 $\aut(G)$ is a group and $\inn(G)$ is a subgroup of $\aut(G)$| | |Example: $\inn(D_4) \isom K_4$| | |Prop: Let $G = $ cyclic and $H$ a group| | |1. A homom $\varphi:G\to H$ is uniquely determined by $\varphi(a)$.| | |2. If $G$ has order $n$ and $u\in H$ has order $d$ where $d|n$, then there is (unique) homomorphism $\varphi:G\to H$ s.t. $\varphi(a)=u$. Moreover, $\varphi$ is injective iff $d=n$.| | |3. If $G$ has infinite order and $u\in H$, then there is (unique) homomorphism $\varphi:G\to H$ s.t. $\varphi(a)=u$. Moreover, $\varphi$ is injective iff $u$ has infinite order.| | |Example: $\aut(\Z_n) \isom U_n$| |10/10/2018|Board presentations PS 6| | |Thms. 10.2 and 6.3| |10/12/2018|Fall break| ^Week 9^Topics^ |10/15/2018|Prop. Let N \leq G. TFAE| | |(i) $gNg^{-1} \subseteq N$ for all $g\in G$| | |(ii) $gNg^{-1} = N$ for all $g\in G$| | |(iii) $gN = Ng$ for all $g\in G$| | |(iv) the product of any two left cosets is a left coset.| | |Moreover, in the last one, we have $(gN)(hN) = ghN$| | |Def: normal subgroup| | |Examples: 1. $A_n \normaleq S_n$| | | $ \normaleq D_n$| | |Prop: if $H$ is a subgroup of $G$ of index 2, then $H$ is a normal subgroup of $G$| | |2. Prop: if $\varphi:G\to \bar{G}$ is a homomorphism, then $ker(\varphi)$ is a normal subgroup of $G$| | |3. If $G$ is abelian, then every subgroup of $G$ is normal| | |4. $Z(G)$ is a normal subgroup of $G$.| | |5. $G$ and $\{1\}$ are normal subgroups of $G$.| | |Thm 9.2 proof using (iv) above.| | |Example 9.10 Generalize $\Z/n\Z \isom \Z_n$| |10/16/2018| Example 9.12| | |Thm 10.3 1st Isom Thm| | |Example $\varphi:\Z \to \Z_n$| | |Thm 9.4| | |Thm (N/C theorem) Let $H \leq G$. $N_G(H) / C_G(H)$ is isomorphic to a subgroup of $\aut(H)$.| |10/17/2018| proof of N/C theorem| | |Example 10.17 $|G|=35$| | |Thm 9.3| | |Corollary: If $|G|=pq$ and $Z(G) \neq 1$ then $G$ is abelian.| | |Thm 9.5 Cauchy's thm for abelian gps.| |10/19/2018|Thm 10.4 $N\normaleq G$, $q:G \to G/N$ is an epimorphism with $ker(q)=N$| | |Chapter 8 Direct Product| | |Def: $G_1 \oplus G_2$| | |Prop: 1) $G_1 \oplus G_2$ is a group.| | |2) If $G_1$, $G_2$ are abelian then so is $G_1 \oplus G_2$.| | |3) If $G_1$, $G_2$ are finite then so is $G_1 \oplus G_2$ and $$| G_1 \oplus G_2| = |G_1|\cdot |G_2|$$ | |Examples: (1) $\Z_2 \oplus \Z_3$ is abelian of order 6, so it is isomorphic to $\Z_6$| | |(2) $G \oplus \{1\} \isom G \isom \{1\}\oplus G$| | |Prop: Let $H_1 \leq G_1$ and $H_2 \leq G_2$. Then $$H_1 \oplus H_2 \leq G_1 \oplus G_2$$ | |Cor: $G_1 \oplus G_2$ contains subgroups isomorphic to $G_1$ and $G_2$ respectively.| | |Def: $G_1 \oplus \cdots \oplus G_n$| | |Thm 8.1| ^Week 10^Topics^ |10/22/2018|Thm 8.2 $G_1$, $G_2$ finite. $G_1 \oplus G_2$ is cyclic iff $G_1$ and $G_2$ are cyclic or relatively prime orders.| |10/23/2018|RSA cryptography. Public vs private keys| | |Prop: $m^{ed}\equiv m \pmod n$.| | |Internal direct product| | |Thm.: Let $H,K\leq G$ be such that $HK=G$ and $H\intersection K=\{1\}$. Then $G\isom H\oplus K$.| | |Def: When $H,K\leq G$ are such that $HK=G$ and $H\intersection K=\{1\}$, we say that $G$ is the internal direct product of $H$ and $K$, and write $G=H\times K$. | | |Example: Consider $D_n$ with $n=2m$ and $m$ odd. | | |Thm. 9.7 and corollary| | |Prop: Let $H,N\leq G$.| | |(1) If $N\normaleq G$ then $HN\leq G$.| | |(2) If $H,N\normaleq G$ then $HN\normaleq G$| |10/24/2018|2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th isomorphism theorems.| | |$\sub(D_4)$ and $\sub(V_4)$ as examples.| |10/26/2018|Thm If $G$ is a finite abelian group of order $n$, and $m|n$ then $G$ has a subgroup of order $m$.| | |Fund. Thm. of Finite Abelian Groups| | |Statement and examples, $n=12$ and $n=600$| | |Elementary divisors form, and invariant factors form| ^Week 11^Topics^ |10/29/2018|Board presentations. Problems sets 7 and 8| |10/30/2018|Ch.24 Def: conjugate, conjugate class $\cl(a)$.| | |Prop: (1) "conjugate to" is an equivalence relation. The equivalence classes are the conjugacy classes.| | |(2) $\cl(a)=\{a\} \iff a\in Z(G)$| | |Thm. 24.1 without finite assumption| | |Cor. 1| | |Thm. Class equation (2 versions)| | |Thm. 24.2 A non-trivial $p$-group has non-trivial center.| | |Def: Finite $p$-group. Metabelian group.| | |Cor. Let $p$ be a prime. If $|G|=p^2$, then $G$ is abelian.| | |Cor. Let $p$ be a prime. If $|G|=p^3$, then $G$ is metabelian. Moreover, $|Z(G)|=p$ or $|Z(G)|=p^3$.| | |Example: Heisenber group $H$ has order $p^3$, and is not abelian. | |10/31/2018|Thm. 24.3 Sylow's 1st Theorem| | |Cor. Cauchy's theorem| | |Cor. If $|G|=pq$ where $p   (2) $|G|=455$    (3) $|G|=21$    (4) $|G|=256$| |11/06/2018|Test 2| |11/07/2018|Rings. Definitions: ring, unity, ring with unity (unitary ring), commutative ring, units of a unitary ring| | |Examples| | |Prop: The units of a ring, $U(R)$ form a multiplicative group.| |11/09/2018|No class.| [[people:fer:401ws:fall2018:daily_topics_3|Daily topics (3)]] [[people:fer:401ws:fall2018:home| Home]]