====== SYLLABUS FOR MATH 304-FALL 2015 ====== The course covers basics of elementary linear algebra. It is not just computation but the intent is that some concepts and understanding give and gain significance from the computation. It is meant to be at the level of a Second year mathematically competent student. The text is book written by Matthew Brin and Gerald Marchesi ;Linear Algebra 16-th edition. We will cover the first 6 chapters fairly thoroughly and if time provides delve into Chapter 7. A weekly schedule plan is laid out below. | WEEK 1 | Aug 31-Sept4 | Chapter 1 | Sections 1.1-1.3.1 | | WEEK 2 | Sept 8-Sept 11 | .. | .. 1.3.2-1.5 | | WEEK 3 | Sept 16-Sept 18 | .. | .. 1.6.1-1.6.9 | | WEEK 4 | Sept 21;Sept 24-25 | Chapter 2 | Sections 2.1-2.3 | | WEEK 5 | Sept 28-Oct 2 | .. | .. 2.4-2.7 | | WEEK 6 | Oct 5-Oct 9 | .. | .. 2.8-2.10; Test 1 | | ::: | ::: | Chapter 3 | .. 3.1-3.2 | | WEEK 7 | Oct 12-Oct 16 | .. | .. 3.3-3.6 | | WEEK 8 | Oct 19-Oct 23 | .. | .. 3.7-3.8 | | ::: | ::: | Chapter 4 | .. 4.1-4.2 | | **MIDTERM EXAM** | **WED. OCT 21, 7:00 PM- 9:00 PM** | **Location To Be Announced** || | WEEK 9 | Oct 26-Oct 30 | .. | .. 4.2-4.7 | | WEEK 10 | Nov 2- Nov 6 | .. | .. 4.8- 4.9 | | WEEK 11 | Nov 9- Nov 13 | Chapter 5 | .. 5.1-5.3.2 | | WEEK 12 | Nov 16-Nov 20 | .. | .. 5.3.3-5.5 | | WEEK 13 | Nov 23-Nov 24 | .. | .. Review Test 2; THANKSGIVING | | WEEK 14 | Nov 30-Dec 4 | Chapter 6 | .. 6.1-6.2.3 | | WEEK 15 | Dec 7- Dec 11 | .. | .. 6.2.4; 6.2.6 OR 7.1 ; QUIZ | | WEEK 16 | Dec 14-15 | | REVIEW | Final exam date and location to be announced. ==== Exams ==== Tests 1 and 2, and the Quiz at the end will be prepared for the individual sections and graded by the instructor(some sharing of writing and grading may occur). The Midterm is scheduled Oct. 21 in the evening. Please plan accordingly for class conflicts and extreme hardship we will schedule a make-up date. The time and location of the Final exam will be determined by the University during the scheduled times for final exams. The exams will be pretty detailed and will require your mastery of the material to do well. Typically the percentage score expectation for the various grades are: A 85-100 ; B 70-85 ; C 50-70 ; D 40-50 with + and - at the extremes. ==== Weighting of the contributions to final grade ==== There will be 1000 possible for the course comprised as follows; | Final exam | 400 pts. | | Midterm | 250 pts. | | Hourly Exams | 200 pts. (100 each) | | End Quiz | 50 pts. | Additionally, there will be 100pts. contributed by the instructor to be based on work in the class. Each instructor will choose how to use attendance, in class quizzes, homework or special assignments to determine this contribution.