
In recent years, many large and small companies have actively recruited on our campus. Doing an internship during the summer is the best way to know whether you really like the Actuarial profession. In some companies, you do not need to have passed any exams. Summer positions provide students with valuable experience and excellent summer income.

You can arrange interviews for summer internships through the Career Development Center (Phone: 607-777-2400, LSG500 and LNG300) of Binghamton University. In this center you also can get information about careers, graduate schools, internships, or employers. For a small fee, you can get a very complete information on the interviews on campus for summer internships.

The following companies have shown interest in hiring students in the past:

Local companies:

The Actuarial Association on campus also helps to organize many information sessions regarding summer internship.

The previous list is far from complete. Some of them may be out-dated. You are recommended to go the Career Development Center to arrange for interviews for summer internships and/or actuarial jobs.

You also can contact companies directly:

The following websites offer listings of actuarial jobs:

The following companies recruit actuaries for other companies: